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A new booklet titled 'Protecting People of All Ages in Dundee' has been produced with input from a range of Community Safety organisations and community members. This contains information on how to identify that someone needs protection, and contact numbers for seeking help.

Whether it is a child or adult that needs help, everyone deserves to be treated with respect and be free from harm. As well as contact details for the Child Protection and First Contact Teams, the booklet provides contact information in relation to suicide prevention and alcohol or drug misuse.

If you are worried about a child or an adult who may be at risk, don't ignore it - share your concerns, so that if they do need help it can be given.

The latest Food Connections newsletter from the Tayside Nutrition Managed Clinical Network is now available.

January Newsletter

The article focuses on:

  • Public Health Nutrition
  • Food Fluid and Nutritional Care
  • Weight Management
  • Therapeutic Nutrition

Skills Development Scotland have published the report on school leaver destinations for Dundee. The report also includes National Training Programme Results for the second quarter of 2015-16 and analysis of 'unemployed seeking work' demographics for 16-19 year olds. The full report can be found at:


The closing date for the third round of applications for Healthy Dundee's Healthy Communities Small Grants funding is Friday 27th November 2015. It is anticipated that applications received by this date will be considered by the Healthy Communities Small Grants Assessment Panel at a meeting to be held in December 2015 with applicants being notified of the outcome immediately thereafter.

The application form and guidelines are attached and take account of Healthy Communities' partnership with NHS Tayside’s Grants to Voluntary Bodies in allocating funding to support voluntary sector projects which tackle Healthy Dundee priorities. Please note that the maximum amount of award is £500.00.

Applications in excess of £500.00 might be eligible for consideration for Community Innovation Fund funding (previously cash4communities) providing your proposal meets the criteria. For further information, you can email .

Should you require any additional information about the Healthy Communities Small Grants Fund, please contact Jane Christie (Financial Administrator, NHS Tayside, Directorate of Public Health, Kings Cross, Clepington Road, Dundee DD3 8EA. Tel 01382 424084).

The latest Food Connections newsletter from the Tayside Nutrition Managed Clinical Network is now available:

October Newsletter

The newsletter focusses on Food, Fluid and Nutritional Care in both hospital and community settings, and refers to standards published in October 2014. Other articles include;

  • Prescribed oral nutritional supplements
  • Nutrition & Hydration Week
  • Meal Makers
  • Scottish Gluten Free Food Service
  • Training available through the Food, Fluid & Nutritional Care Team


Dundee Voluntary Action have published their annual report for 2015. This includes reports from their Convener and Acting Chief Executive, along with facts, figures and highlights from throughout the year. To read the report, click here.

Protecting People In Dundee

Protecting people means being able to protect everyone, no matter what age, when they need it. This means children, adults and older people. The Dundee Child Care & Protection Committee, Adult Support and Protection Committee, Violence Against Women Partnership and Multi-agency Public Protection Arrangements are working together across Dundee to protect; children in need of care and protection, adults in need of support and protection, adults and children affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence, and the general public. For more information please visit

Contact details for the First Contact Team, Child Protection Line and Police Scotland Non-emergency Line can be seen here (please feel free to print and display this poster to promote these numbers further).

The closing date for the second round of applications for Healthy Dundee's Healthy Communities Small Grants funding is Friday 25th September 2015. It is anticipated that applications received by this date will be considered by the Healthy Communities Small Grants Assessment Panel at a meeting on 15th October 2015 with applicants being notified of the outcome immediately thereafter.

The application form and guidelines are attached and take account of Healthy Communities' partnership with NHS Tayside’s Grants to Voluntary Bodies in allocating funding to support voluntary sector projects which tackle Healthy Dundee priorities. Please note that the maximum amount of award is £500.

Applications in excess of £500 might be eligible for consideration for Community Innovation Fund funding (previously cash4communities) providing your proposal meets the criteria. For further information on this, you can email .

Should you require any additional information about the Healthy Communities Small Grants Fund, please contact Jane Christie (Financial Administrator, NHS Tayside, Directorate of Public Health, Kings Cross, Clepington Road, Dundee DD3 8EA. Tel 01382 424084).

The latest Food Connections newsletter from the Tayside Nutrition Managed Clinical Network is now available:

Summer Newsletter

The newsletter focuses on maternal and infant nutrition, with several short items plus longer articles on:

  • Healthy Start
  • Breastfeeding Support Workers
  • Community Cookit
  • Training Dates

The first round of applications for Healthy Dundee's Healthy Communities Small Grants funding closes on Tuesday 2 June 2015. It is anticipated that applications received by this date will be considered by the Healthy Communities Small Grants Assessment Panel at a meeting on 11 June 2015 with applicants being notified of the outcome immediately thereafter.  

The application form and guidelines take account of Healthy Communities' partnership with NHS Tayside’s Grants to Voluntary Bodies in allocating funding to support voluntary sector projects which tackle Healthy Dundee priorities. Please note that the maximum amount of award is £500.00.

Applications in excess of £500.00 might be eligible for consideration for Community Innovation Fund funding (previously cash4communities) providing your proposal meets the criteria. For further information, you can email .

Should you require any additional information about the Healthy Communities Small Grants Fund, please do not hesitate to contact either Liz McDonald () or Jane Christie. All enquiries after 11 June 2015 should be made to Jane Christie, Financial Administrator, Directorate of Public Health, NHS Tayside, Kings Cross, Clepington Road, Dundee DD3 8EA. Tel: 01382 424084; Email:

Application Form


This film shows what some people are doing in their communities to help others who may be facing poverty, including being hit by the impact of welfare cuts. In the film we hear from volunteers and those who are impacted by changes, especially those suffering from benefit sanctions. The film has been made by Faith in Community Dundee and Microdot films with support from the Big Lottery. People who have watched this often feel it is powerful in how it disturbs and challenges. You are invited to watch and by all means share with others. It is just under 20 minutes in length. To view the film, follow the link below.

The Tayside Nutrition Managed Clinical Network newsletter for April has recently been issued. This issue has articles on adult weight management and physiotherapy, and also contains a range of useful information and contacts and is available to view via this link.

The "My Wellbeing" button on the home page of the Council's website makes it easier to link people to a wide range of sources of support that promote and protect wellbeing. It is based around 6 key themes that have been evidenced as influencing mental health:

  • Health & Lifestyle
  • Coping well
  • Supportive social circles
  • Being included and treated fairly
  • Money, work and learning
  • Safe and pleasant surroundings

Each theme contains a wealth of information about services, organisations and activities that are available to people in Dundee, as well as links to useful external websites that provide information on related topics.

My Wellbeing is a helpful resource for members of the general public, people caring for others, those with poor mental health and wellbeing affected by their social circumstances, and a wide range of frontline staff.

The Tayside Nutrition Managed Clinical Network newsletter for February has recently been issued. This issue focusses on therapeutic nutrition and contains a range of useful information and contacts and is available to view via this link.

A financial education story about the dangers of payday loans and loan sharks created through a partnership between pupils at Morgan Academy, Dundee & Angus College, the Scottish Loan Sharks Unit, and COSLA.

This video can be viewed on Dundee City Council's YouTube channel.

On the 29th October, Volunteer Centre Dundee have re-launched their website giving up to date information for people looking to volunteer as well as information for voluntary organisations looking to recruit volunteers. For more information visit the Volunteer Dundee website.

The Fund is aimed at groups of people in communities and new/emerging groups who want to increase activities which benefit older people.

Types of funding

There are two types of funding:

  • Level 1 – grants of up to £500
  • Level 2 – grants of between £500 and £5000

Funding aims and outcomes

The Small Grants Fund sits within reshaping care for older people programme 10, Capacity Building, aiming to build the capacity of communities to deliver services which maintain older people in their own home in response to identified community need.

The outcomes of the programme are:

  • Maintain more people at home
  • Build Community resilience
  • Develop social enterprise
  • Increased choice
  • Improved service users and carers health and wellbeing
  • Extended co-production
  • Further integration across sectors
  • Manage resources to meet growing demand

All Small Grants Fund projects should meet at least one of the above outcomes.

Application process & assessment

The application process is now open and applicants can expect a six week turn around.

  • Level 1 – assessed by reshaping care capacity workers (DVA, VCD, DSEN)
  • Level 2 – short form completed – assessed by small panel of the Reshaping Care Working Group.

For further information or to apply contact Christina Cooper, Reshaping Care Coordinator – or Tel: 01382 305701

The Awards for All programme from the Big Lottery has re-opened to applications. The programme closed over the summer to allow the Big Lottery Fund to focus on applications to its Commonwealth Games Legacy Programme. The Big Lottery Fund also took the opportunity to refocus the programme and to streamline the application process. A new application form is now available on the Big Lottery Fund's website

The About Dundee Publication is a statistical compendium of useful and commonly requested information regarding Dundee City. View the About Dundee page.

On 20 November 2013, the DCMS announced that UK City of Culture 2017 would be awarded to Hull. The Dundee Partnership congratulates Hull and wishes them every success in implementing UK City of Culture 2017. Dundee's bid document Dundee 2017: The Tipping Point has been left on the website for information, but those reading or downloading the document should note that it was written for bid purposes and, while we hope that much of the bid will still be implemented, the document was written at a specific time for a specific purpose. The contents of Dundee's UK City of Culture bid will, however, inform our next Cultural Strategy and our ongoing commitment to continuing 'cultural led' regeneration.