Performance Monitoring


SOA Annual Reports

Our SOA annual reports measure progress towards our long-term outcomes by updating and assessing our outcome indicators. The format for the reports has evolved over the years and we now produce two reports each year. The first is a full report, including indicators and graphical representations of trends; the second is a summary 'easier read' version, that focusses on what we have achieved as a city, and includes a number of case studies across all the Partnership themes.2014-15 SOA Report (3.4MB PDF)2014-15 SOA Summary Report (1.3MB PDF)

2013-14 SOA Report (2.9MB PDF)

A Summary Report (1.3MB PDF)

SOA Annual Report for 2011-1

SOA Annual Report for 2010-11

ompendium of Case Studies from the 2010-11 report.

SOA Annual Report for 2009-10

SOA Annual Reports

Our SOA annual reports measure progress towards our long-term outcomes by updating and assessing our outcome indicators. The format for the reports has evolved over the years and we now produce two reports each year. The first is a full report, including indicators and graphical representations of trends; the second is a summary 'easier read' version, that focusses on what we have achieved as a city, and includes a number of case studies across all the Partnership themes.

2014-15 SOA Report (3.4MB PDF)

2013-14 SOA Report (2.9MB PDF)

SOA Annual Report for 2011-12

SOA Annual Report for 2010-11

SOA Annual Report for 2009-10


Dundee Partnership Citizen Survey

The Dundee Partnership Citizen Survey has been carried out for a number of years and seeks to establish, by Ward, the public’s views on general and specific aspects of life in Dundee, including the home and neighbourhood; health; education and employment; community safety; financial issues as well as levels of satisfaction with public services. The survey helps to strengthen the evidence base which supports the development and implementation of the SOA.


Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation

The Information & Research Team have produced a Dundee City Council Analysis of the SIMD 2012 publication.


Fairness Strategy Profiles

In conjunction with the launch of the Dundee Partnership Fairness Strategy, profile documents were published to examine poverty levels within Dundee City.  Two profile documents were produced - one to show Dundee City compared to Scotland, and another to show poverty levels within Dundee City using the electoral wards.

2014 Updated Profiles:

2013 Updated Profiles:

2011 Profiles:


About Dundee 2015

The About Dundee Publication is a statistical compendium of useful and commonly requested information regarding Dundee City.  View the About Dundee page.