Articles of Interest

This page will hold a number of external items that may be of interest to those following the work of the Fairness Commission. Please note that any items found on this page do not represent the views of the Dundee Fairness Commission, and are provided here for information only.

Digital on the Move films - This DCC page holds a number of short films that have been created to help support people through changes to their benefits. The films are;

  • Disability Benefits - looks at the change from DLA to PIP
  • Universal Credit: Your Money
  • Universal Credit: Your Claimant Commitment
  • Universal Credit: Sanctions

The Nature and Extent of Food Poverty in Scotland - a study carried out by the Rowett Institute of Nutrition & Health at Aberdeen University, and available on the Health Scotland website.

Universal Chaos - an article from the Scottish Unemployed Workers Network's June 2015 newsletter.

Sanctions - a short film by Art Angel that portrays three people's experience of being sanctioned. Art Angel are a local project that works with people experiencing a range of mental health issues, using the creative arts to help them cope better with day to day life.

Ministerial Visit. Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Alex Neil visited Dundee on the 12th August 2015. As part of this visit a round table meeting was held. Linked here are items the Fairness Commission raised with Mr Neil, and a note of the visit.

Gathering Experiences of Poverty - A report based on 147 in depth surveys completed with people experiencing poverty in Dundee. The research was led by Craigowl Communities, Shelter, Faith in Community Dundee and the University of Dundee, and supported by a further 18 local organisations.