Dundee City Alcohol and Drug Partnership
The ADP (Membership) is a partnership of all key organisation in Dundee who have a role to play in reducing substance misuse and associated problems. It is responsible for providing a strategic direction in respect of prevention, treatment and recovery from substance misuse. The ADP is also responsible for the implementation of national policies in relation to substance misuse at a local level.
Key priority areas identified by the ADP include children and families affected by substance misuse, young people affected by their own substance misuse and preventing alcohol and drug related deaths.
The ADP also supports all other theme groups in the Dundee Community Planning Partnership (CPP) in responding to alcohol and drug issues.
The work the ADP undertakes is based on the following Recovery Statement.
Contact the Dundee ADP Support Team
Dundee Alcohol and Drug Review (Current)
Dundee Focus on Alcohol Project (FOA)
Training and Conferences (including Take Home Naloxone)
ADP Reports and other documents
ADP and ADP Support Network Meeting Dates and Minutes